• 2022-06-03
    If you are a nurse of emergency room, a patient with severe chest
    pain admitted to your department, the doctor suspicious diagnosis is
    acute myocardial infarction, which of the following first aid
    measures is incorrect( )()
    A: Immediate triage分诊of
    the patient
    B: Establish a reliable IV route
    C: Urgent ECG monitoring
    D: Draw blood transfusion without prescription
  • C



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      Which of the following attitudes do you agree with()? A: When<br/>communicating, be patient with others, and ask them to be patient<br/>with you. B: It<br/>is best to avoid slangs altogether unless you are absolutely sure you<br/>know to use them properly. C: Don’t<br/>take it as offensive if another culture is more or less physical than<br/>you are used to when communicating. D: Respect<br/>the amount of personal space the situation requires.

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      Which<br/>of the following descriptions are incorrect?() A: Ulcers<br/>always heal without scar formation B: Plaques<br/>are smaller than papules

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      Which of the following is<br/>Primary prevention? ( ) A: Health<br/>education B: Mammography for breast cancer detection C: Blood<br/>pressure screening for hypertension D: AIDS treatment E: Rehabilitation<br/>programs for myocardinal infarction

    • 3

      Acute leukemia patients with<br/>severe bleeding, which is the most<br/>critical symptoms? () A: vertigo, tinnitus B: a sudden abdominal pain C: Headache, vomiting D: Blurred vision E: The naked eye hematuria

    • 4

      Which one is false?() A: Blood 17-OHP can be raised to several tens of times or hundreds of<br/>times normal, which is a reliable diagnosis basis for 21-OH B: Urine 17-KS is an important indicator for the secretion of androgen<br/>in the adrenal cortex, which is significantly elevated in patients<br/>with CAH C: Screening time for classical 21-hydroxylase dificiency: during the<br/>first 24 hours after birth D: 17-hydroxyprogesterone<br/>levels of normal child: