• 2021-04-14
    A quantity having continuous value is
  • an analog quantity


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      Currency swap is _________________ purchase and sale of a given amount of foreign exchange for two different value dates. A: opposite B: exact C: simultaneous D: continuous

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      An order should include specification and description of goods,prices involving unit price and total value,quantity and packing. But it should not include terms of payment.

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      The hedge is effective in that (i) economic relationship exists between the hedging item and hedged item, (ii) the effect of credit risk does not dominate the value changes, and (iii) the hedge ratio is the same as that arising from quantity of hedged instrument to the quantity of hedging instrument.‍

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      What is the value of having a business card?It is often your first opportunity to make a(n) ______ positive impression on people.

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      The quantity theory of money indicates that in any country the money supply is equated to the demand for money, which is inversely proportional to the money value of the gross domestic product.(<br/>)