which tariff is usually used in commodity
A: specific
B: ad valorem
A: specific
B: ad valorem
- Which of the following is a fixed percentage of the value of an imported product?() A: specific tariff B: ad valorem tariff C: nominal tariff D: effective protection tariff E: None of the above.
- A compound duty is a combination of an ad valorem duty and specific duty. ( )
- When the production of a commodity does not utilize imported inputs, the effective tariff rate on the commodity:( ) A: Exceeds the nominal tariff rate on the commodity B: Equals the nominal tariff rate on the commodity C: Is less than the nominal tariff rate on the commodity D: None of the above
- In international air cargo transportation, Specific Commodity Rates are usually lower than General Cargo Rates.
- In the following choices, which unit of calculation is used to describe quantity of commodity?