To spend your time productively at college will make you very busy after graduation.
- When you consider what subject to study in college, are that you and your parents will think what you can make out of it after graduation.
- You will know how you spend your time with the schedule. (make …aware of) The schedule will ______________________________________________________.
- What will happen if you don't put your practical business idea into action during the college years? A: Somebody else might make a move and it will be too late for you. B: You will have more opportunities for the start-up after graduation. C: Chances for starting your own business will pass forever. D: You can get more time to sharpen your entrepreneurial skills.
- 智慧职教: 36. If you plan your time well, you can make your college life more (enjoy).
- It’s high time that you _____ a job after graduation.