Choose a coordinating conjunction to combine each pair of simple sentences. 选择合适的并列连词连接每一题中的两句。 The Human Genome Project will take longer to accomplish than the Apollo program landing a man on the moon. It will not be completed in a few decades.
- 中国大学MOOC: Choose a coordinating conjunction or a subordinating conjunction to combine each pair of simple sentences.(1)The Human Genome Project will take longer to accomplish than the Apollo program landing a man on the moon.(2)It will not be completed in a few decades.
- Choose a coordinating conjunction to combine each pair of simple sentences. 选择合适的并列连词连接每一题中的两句。 Important cultural documents, not all pictures can be saved. Not all pictures should be saved.
- Choose a coordinating conjunction to combine each pair of simple sentences. 选择合适的并列连词连接每一题中的两句。 A Russian airliner has made an emergency landing in Moscow, bumping into buildings and splitting into two parts. Only two people were killed.
- Choose a coordinating conjunction to combine each pair of simple sentences. 选择合适的并列连词连接每一题中的两句。 Hotel guests have their meals free. They naturally go to the free dining rooms to have their meals.
- Choose a coordinating conjunction to combine each pair of simple sentences. 选择合适的并列连词连接每一题中的两句。 Most people don’t leave their front door unlocked. The same is true of their home Wi-Fi networks.