• 2022-05-31
    World War I broke out on June 28th, ______.
    A: 1914
    B: 1917
    C: 1815
    D: 1918
  • A


    • 0

      It was in 1939 that ______ broke out. A: World War Second B: Second World War C: the World War Second D: World War Ⅱ

    • 1

      It was in 1939 that __broke out. A: World War Second B: the World War Second C: Second World War D: World War II

    • 2

      ______ turned out to be the longest war the U.S. fought in history. A: World War I B: World War II C: The Korean War D: The Vietnam War

    • 3

      American Literature in the 20th Century started from to . It is also called American Modernist period. A: about 1914; the present B: about 1914;the first world war C: about 1914; 1922 D: about 1914; the second world war

    • 4

      The war _______ in 1998. A. broke in B. broke up C. broke out D.broke apart A: broke in B: broke up C: broke out D: broke apart