• 2022-05-31
    To be an effective public speaker, you must be __________.
    A: situation-centered
    B: audience-centered
    C: channel-centered
    D: message-centered
  • B


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      Based in existentialism and the works of Abraham Maslow and his hierarchy of human needs, brought the person centered psychotherapy into mainstream focus.

    • 1

      To be an effective speaker, you must be __________. A: message-oriented B: occasion-awared C: self-controlled D: audience-centered

    • 2

      The following statements are true EXCEPT__________. A: the quake caused a power failure in Kent County. B: the tremor lasted for 10-15 seconds. C: people in Canterbury felt strong quake. D: the quake was centered under the Channel Tunnel.

    • 3

      Which American holiday is centered on romance and is a heavily commercialized holiday( )? A: Christmas Day B: Halloween C: Thanksgiving D: Valentine’s Day

    • 4

      In his most famous play, a couple’s () marriage is centered on the fantasy child they have created. A: tempestuous B: rumble C: roaring D: tumultuous