• 2022-05-31
    A small sphere [img=14x19]1803277aebb0146.png[/img] with mass m moves from the same height to the ground along three different paths. It is assumed that the initial velocity is zero and all frictions can be neglected. If the velocities of the sphere when it reaches the ground are [img=16x17]1803277af50bf6c.png[/img], [img=15x17]1803277afd4c34c.png[/img] and [img=15x17]1803277b05a80ad.png[/img],respectively, then[img=613x182]1803277b133657e.png[/img]
    A: [img=92x23]1803277b1bc7064.png[/img]
    B: [img=92x23]1803277b24d87f0.png[/img]
    C: [img=92x17]1803277b2d043c5.png[/img]
    D: [img=92x23]1803277b35385b3.png[/img]
  • 举一反三