Because of grade-twothinking, the author became separated from other people who were grade-threethinkers.
- From the second grade to the ninth grade, the percentage of children who are bullied decreases.
- Which grade were they in? A: Grade 8 B: Grade 9 C: Grade 10 D: Grade 11
- 【单选题】5. 假定student表中有字段grade,grade代表分数,依次统计grade字段的最大值,最小值,平均值的SQL语句是 A. SELECT max(grade),min(grade),average(grade) FROM student; B. SELECT max(grade),min(grade),avg(grade) FROM student; C. SELECT min(grade),average(grade),max(grade) FROM student; D. SELECT min(grade),avg(grade),max(grade) FROM student;
- Why does the author say “Famous people who studies the humanities make a long list indeed”? A: Because the author wants to tell us that there are many people studying humanities. B: Because the author’s aim is to inform that famous people who studies the humanities is brilliant. C: Because the author wants more people to study humanities D: Because the author wants to prove the advantages of humanities.
- 针对表SC(sno, cno, grade),其中sno为学号,cno为课程号,grade为成绩。以下哪个操作( )统计出每位学生所选课程的最高分和最低分。 A: select sno,max(grade), min(grade) from sc B: select sno,max(grade), min(grade) from sc order by sno C: select sno,max(grade), min(grade) from sc group by sno D: select sno,avg(grade), sum(grade) from sc group by sno