• 2022-05-31
    The common classification of Staphylococci according to ( )
    A: whether produce SPA or not
    B: different biochemical event and pigments
    C: K antigen of cell surface
    D: lactose fermenters
  • B


    • 0

      According to the classification using different methods, the following is not classified as SLAM is () A: EKF SLAM B: FAST SLAM C: FULL SLAM D: CPB SLAM

    • 1

      Which of the following is text classification? A: Grouping the news on the website according to their content similarity. B: Identifying whether the emotion of a document is positive or negative. C: Identifying advertisements in emails. D: Locating main topics in the book.

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      构成胃黏膜上皮的细胞是<br/>() A: chief<br/>cell(zymogenic cell) B: parietal cell(oxyntic cell) C: mucous<br/>neck cell D: surface<br/>mucous cell E: Paneth<br/>cell

    • 3

      Glass classification by use is the most common classification method. What kind of glass can be classified by this classification method? A: Daily glass. B: Architectural glass. C: Technical glass. D: Glass fibre.

    • 4

      Which cell has functions of both phagocytosis and professional antigen presentation ( ) A: neutrophils B: macrophages C: dendritic cells D: NK cells