• 2022-05-31
    The news that they failed their entrance examination discouraged them,_______?
    A: did they
    B: didn't they
    C: did it
    D: didn't it
  • D


    • 0

      James didn’t attend the meeting and _____ Jane. A: neither did B: nor didn’t C: so did D: so didn’t

    • 1

      —She didn't come to school yesterday,did she? —______,though she did not feel well. A: No,she didn't B: Yes,she didn't C: No,she did D: Yes,she did

    • 2

      Someone borrowed my dictionary, ____ A: didn’t they B: did they C: did he D: didn’t he

    • 3

      Why did she invited them in since she didn’t know any of them?She did so out of ______.

    • 4

      You gave them a talk two days ago, ______ you Yes, I ______. A: did; did B: did; gave C: didn’t; did