• 2022-05-31
    In taking IELTS, students will hear a range of different accents from English speaking countries such as Ireland, Wales, Scotland, the USA, Canada and ________.
    A: Cambodia
    B: Egypt
    C: Austria
    D: Australia
  • D


    • 0

      “The ‘inner-circle’ countries include Britain, the United States, Australia, Canada, Ireland, and New Zealand.” Is it true? A: True B: False

    • 1

      England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland ______ the United Kingdom.

    • 2

      The "land of song" refers to (). A: Ireland B: Wales C: Scotland D: England

    • 3

      Northern Ireland is different from the other three countries because _____.

    • 4

      ‎Shakespeare was born in a small town in _______________.‍‎‍ A: England B: Scotland C: Wales D: Ireland