• 2022-05-31
    The appreciation of the traditional Chinese painting is influenced by the traditional Chinese( ).
    A: manners
    B: festival
    C: customs
    D: philosophy
  • D


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      Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the philosophy of “Balance” and “Interaction”.

    • 1

      ___ are known throughout the world as the three treasures of china.( ). A: Beijing Opera B: Traditional Chinese medicine C: Traditional Chinese painting D: All of the above

    • 2

      Influenced by Confucianism, traditional Chinese family is blood-bonded and ethical-oriented.

    • 3

      智慧职教: Which is not the traditional Chinese Festival?

    • 4

      Chinese painting and calligraphy are the _______ of traditional Chinese art. ( ) A: foundation B: catalyst C: harvest D: essence