• 2022-05-31
    He me for advice.
    A: directed to
    B: turned to
    C: pointed to
    D: recognized
  • B


    • 0

      He gave me a big____on my birthday. (惊奇) A: advice B: surprise C: reasonanque

    • 1

      --He turned a deaf ear to our advice and failed the project. Was he sorry for whathe had done?____________ A: No wonder B: Well done C: Go ahead D: Not really

    • 2

      They _______ without a fight. A: turned to B: cried out C: pointed to D: gave up

    • 3

      Was that remark directed _____ me? A: in B: to C: with D: at

    • 4

      I recognized he was the man _____________ had helped me two years ago. A: which B: who C: whose