• 2022-05-31
    The US achieved its predominance after World War II because it had made efforts towards this goal.
  • D;d


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      Britain lost its position of a superpower after World War Ⅱand cooperated closely with America.

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      After the Civil War, ___________ , which had divided the country from its beginning, was abolished.

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      In fact, during World War II, the US and the Soviet Union fought together as allies against the Axis powers. Yet, by the time World War II ended, both sides began a deadly “arms race”___

    • 3

      It was in 1939 that __broke out. A: World War Second B: the World War Second C: Second World War D: World War II

    • 4

      During World War II the Allies suffered a long () of defeats before they finally achieved victory. A: suppression B: compulsion C: succession D: compression