• 2022-05-31
    In sea stars, the ( ) surface is the top of the animal and contains the madreporite.
    A: aboral
    B: oral
    C: madreporite
    D: anal
    E: rigid
  • A


    • 0

      A sea animal that comes ashore in Antarctica at certain times is the ______________.

    • 1

      The South China Sea contains the world's largest reserve of ( ).

    • 2

      You know sea covers more than 70 percent of the surface of the earth. A: the B: an C: a D: /

    • 3

      Top stars usually avoid attending awards shows in Hollywood.

    • 4

      ‎Choose those that are connotations of the word "ocean".‍ A: a large body of salt water that covers approximately 70% of the earth’s surface B: appears different shades of blue C: often with waves and currents D: contains various types of plant and marine animal life E: peace F: tranquility G: expansiveness H: the unknown I: the power of nature