• 2022-05-31
    An important social use of language is the inter-personal function, by which people establish and maintain their status in a society.()
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      The ‍ function of language is primarilly to change the social status of people.

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      According to Halliday, the ______ function is to indicate, establish, or maintain social relationships between people.

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      Children use language to get others to do something for them, which is the ( ) function of language. They use language to regulate the behavior of others, which the is the ( ) function of language. They use language to explore the world, which is the ( ) function of language. <br/>______

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      In terms of social status, people’s language will reflect the power relation between them.

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      ___ is an umbrella term which covers a variety of different interests in language and society, including the social functions of language and the social characteristics of its users.