• 2022-05-31
    Doctor: Now, what seems to be the troubleRichard: I don’t feel well, doctor. My head aches. My arms and legs feel weak. And I have a sore throat.Doctor: Do you ()Richard: I think so.
    A: have a fever
    B: have fever
    C: have the fever
    D: have some fever
  • A


    • 0

      Doctor: ()You look terrible! Patient: Oh, doctor, help me. I have a bad headache and a sore throat. I can’t do anything.

    • 1

      W: What 1)______________ have for breakfast? M: Well, I often have eggs, some bread and milk. W: Do you 2)________________at work? M: No, but sometimes I have lunch at my desk. W: 3)______ rice for breakfast? M: No, I seldom have rice. W: Don’t you 4)_____ rice? M: Yes, I do. But I don’t eat it for my breakfast. I usually have it 5)_______.

    • 2

      Ann: Do you still have a headache, BillBill: Yes, I do. And now I have a fever and cough constantly.Ann: ______ A: That's very regretful. B: That's pitiful. C: That's too bad. D: That's wors

    • 3

      Sometimes when I do not feel well, I will feel my head spinning. A: to have the sensation of turning in circles B: to turn round and round quickly

    • 4

      I don't think I have time to go to the concert, ______ you may have my ticket. A: if B: while C: though D: so