• 2022-05-31
    Mary was given the same ring her mother and grandma _______with them to wedding.
    A: have taken
    B: had taken
    C: took
    D: take
  • B


    • 0

      If you __________ my advice at that time, you would have got the job now. A: take B: took C: had taken D: has taken

    • 1

      We make people mentally old by retiring them, and we may even ___________ make them physically old. A: by the same took B: by the same taken C: by the same take D: by the same token

    • 2

      If only I __________ your advice at that time. A: had taken B: took C: was taken D: take

    • 3

      He didn't get the job. If only he ______ his father's advice. A: had taken B: have taken C: take D: took

    • 4

      The view was beautiful. If I _______a camera, I_____some photos. A: had; would take B: had had; would have taken C: had; would have taken D: have had; would take