• 2022-06-03
    be in an_____ difficult situation
    A: increasingly
    B: cease
    C: indicate
    D: match
  • A


    • 0

      I must admit that the situation is the (difficult) _____one that I have ever imagined. A: most difficult B: more difficult C: difficulties D: difficult

    • 1

      In a difficult situation you should _____________

    • 2

      The situation is getting _____. A: difficultier and difficultie B: more and more difficult C: most difficult D: more difficultie

    • 3

      I must admit that the situation is ____ than I thought it would be. A: most difficult B: more difficult C: difficult D: difficulter

    • 4

      It was a difficult situation, but she dealt with it _______. (succeed )