• 2022-06-03
    Situation 3
  • Paolo Di Canio


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      STAR原则具体包括什么? A: Situation、Task、Ability、Result B: Situation、Task、Action、Result C: Situation、Task、Ability、Requirements D: Situation、Task、Action、Requirements

    • 1

      These workers earn a lot more than we do, but ______ is that their job is much more dangerous. (the other side of the situation: Para. 3)

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      密切关注事态发展 A: close follow the development of the situation B: closely follow the development of the situation C: closely watch the development of the situation

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      这个情况使我觉得很烦。( ) A: This situation makes me feel troublesome. B: This situation troubles me. C: This situation lets me feel in difficulty. D: This situation<br/>causes me to feel boring.