• 2022-06-03
    50. 标记他的地盘______
  • mark his territory


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      4. 根据下图所示博弈,假设博弈方R先行动,他会选择: A: Q = 50. B: Q = 100. C: Q = 150. D: 在Q = 50 and Q = 100之间的一个混合策略

    • 1

      The 50 stars in the national flag of America represent 50. A: cities. B: amous presidents. C: states D: senate members.

    • 2

      The 50 stars in the national flag of America represent 50. A: cities B: famous presidents C: states D: senate members

    • 3


    • 4

      n. 领土,地盘