Keeping your laptop _______ all the time will kill its battery faster.
A: made waves
B: plugging in
C: plugged in
D: making waves
A: made waves
B: plugging in
C: plugged in
D: making waves
- Keeping your laptop _________ all the time will kill its battery faster. A: turned down B: plugged in C: turned up D: plugged on
- Keeping your laptop ___________in all the time will kill its battery faster. A: plugged B: unplugged C: opened D: closed
- Keeping your laptop ___________in all the time will kill its battery faster.
- Keeping your cell phone ___ all the time will kill its battery faster. A: set in B: put in C: taken in D: plugged in
- Keeping your laptop (便携式电脑) ______ all the time will kill its battery (电池) faster. (短语) 一直使你的笔记本电脑处于插电源状态会更快地损耗电池。