A: namedafter
B: knownfor
C: knownas
D: calledfor
A: namedafter
B: knownfor
C: knownas
D: calledfor
- Hewas______themostfamoussinger. A: knownfor B: knownto C: knownas D: known
- Chinais_______theGreatWall. A: famousas B: knownto C: knownas D: famousfor
- A deductive method is knownas a “top-down”approach.
- Thegirl’scheeksburnedtothebreeze,根据课程讲解,合适的译文为?
- ThepresentvoyageofmyshipbeganattheportofShanghaiafterloading8000tonsofcargoonboardandendedafterdischargingthecargoattheportofHongKong,whichis(). A: theportofdestination B: thenextportofcall C: theportofarrival D: thelastportofcall
- 0
Which day is knownas the Chinese Valentine’s Day?
- 1
Thisword,whichis,shouldbereplacedwithanotheronewhichismorecommonlyusednowadays. A: absolute B: abnormal C: oblivious D: obsolete
- 2
Manydisastersallownotimeforpeopletogathereventhemostbasicnecessities,whichis()planningaheadisessential. A: why B: because C: since
- 3
Whichis,thesun,themoonortheearth? A: bigger B: thebiggest C: big
- 4
Whichis the numerical range of a byte?