• 2022-06-03
    Excerpt Eight We are pleased to inform you that your paper based on your abstract has been accepted by the Programme Committee of the Open Session of Section of Asia & Oceania, IFLA for (date) WLIC in (city, country). The Committee now needs to have confirmation from you that you will be able to submit your full paper to us by 1 June 201_ and that you will be able to present your paper in a 15minute time slot during Asia & Oceania Open Session at the Conference in August. The paper should be no more than 4000 words, Times Roman 12pt and single-spaced. Please confirm that you will attend the conference to present your paper, notifying us as soon as possible, and no later than 31 March yyyy. If I do not have confirmation from you by 31 March yyyy, your 15-minute time slot will be allocated to a reserve speaker. 8. It is excerpted from __________.
    A: a confirmation letter
    B: an acceptance letter
    C: an invitation letter
    D: a declination letter