• 2021-04-14
    How can you know the price of the item another person bought without violating other people’s privacy?
  • Say that you want buy one yourself and ask whether it is expensive.


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      You will _________ for not learning English; you never know how much you will miss without being able to speak English. A: pay a big price B: pay price C: feel delighted D: pay big price

    • 1

      Can you give us some tips on how to get along well with other people?

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      Empathy is to ____ A: share another person’s happiness. B: share another person’s sadness. C: understand people’s happiness D: acknowledge people's sadness.

    • 3

      If you bought one box at the regular price, you would receive another one at no extra cost.

    • 4

      How to engage in other people’s discussion in a seminar when you are not fully prepared?