• 2022-06-03
    An illocutionary act isthe act preformed by or as a result of saying, the effects on the hearer.
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      The act of producing “Morning” is called( ). A: locutionary act B: greeting act C: illocutionary act D: perlocutionary act

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      ___________________ is using a sentence to perform a function. A: Perlocutionary act B: An illocutionary act C: A locutionary act D: Speech act

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      An __________ act is the act of expressing the speaker's intention; it is the act performed in saying something.

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      Speech acts are classified into three types: A: locutionary act B: illocutionary act C: perlocutionary act D: none of the above

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      Of the three speech acts, linguists are most interested in the ( ) because this kind of speech act is identical with the speaker’s intention. A: locutionary act B: illocutionary act C: perlocutionary act D: constative act