• 2022-06-01
    The stars look small because_______________.
    A: they are far away
    B: they are small
    C: they have no light
    D: they are in the sky
  • A


    • 0

      They have() to cover both of them. A: too small an umbrella B: very small an umbrella C: a too small umbrella D: a small umbrella

    • 1

      With some children, small sums _____. A: have far to go B: are very durable C: last a long time D: gain in value

    • 2

      (Despite) they are (small), the horses are (strong) and (have) great energy. A: Despite B: small C: strong D: have

    • 3

      The interviewee believes that those who work for a non-union small business______. A: have far less freedom B: have more freedom C: have the same freedom D: lose their freedom

    • 4

      One is big,but the other is ______. A: small B: new C: old D: light