• 2021-04-14
    The best business portfolio, however, is believed to be able to fit the company’s strengths and weaknesses, and ready the company for market opportunities.
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      SWOT 是()四个单词首字母的缩写 A: strengths、weaknesses、opportunities、threats B: strengths、weaknesses、optimistic、threats C: strong、wisdom、optimistic、threats D: strengths、wisdom、opportunities、threats

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      SWOT分析中S (strengths)是 ____、W (weaknesses)是 ____,O (opportunities)是 ____、T (threats)是 。

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      The company is ready for a _________ market for digital camera. A: craving B: elaborating C: burgeoning D: streamlining

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      The operations of a company outside its home or domestic market are known as foreign business

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      If the total weighted score of a company’s EFE matrix is greater than 2.5, it means that the company has greater external threats than opportunities.