• 2022-06-01
    The early clinical manifestations of the rickets of vitamin D
    deficiency is ( )
    A: nervous and mental symptoms
    B: craniomalacia
    C: rachitic rosary
    D: harrison’s groove
  • A


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      The<br/>clinical feature of the sequelae stage of vitamin D deficiency<br/>rickets is () A: Skeleton<br/>deformity B: Abnormal<br/>epiphyseal of long bone C: Serum<br/>calcium and phosphorus decrease D: Alkaline<br/>phosphatase decrease E: Irritability,<br/>hidrosis

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      Which of the following manifestations indicates early stage of rickets? () A: Harrison grooves and ribs valgus B: squared skull C: low spirits D: sweating, easily irritated E: convulsions or tetany

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      A clinical sign of a child is rickets, the most possible deficiency is

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      Among<br/>the following clinical manifestations of uremic patients, which is<br/>mainly caused by renal endocrine dysfunction &#91;&#93; A: Gastrointestinal<br/>symptoms B: Anemia C: Azotaemia D: Neurological<br/>symptoms E: Metabolic<br/>acidosis

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      Rickets( ) a childhood disease caused by deficiency of vitamin D and sunlight associated with impaired metabolism of calcium and phosphorus