• 2022-06-01
    Joe and the princess loved each other.()
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      What happened to the two large jets A: They bumped into each other over a swimming pool. B: They avoided each other by turning in different direction. C: They narrowly escaped crashing into each other. D: One plane climbed above the other at the critical moment.

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      他们常常互相通电话,但是从来没有见过面。 A: They often talk telephone with each other, never meet. B: They often talk over the telephone with each other, but they don’t meet. C: They often talk each other over the telephone, they won’t meet with each other.

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      It is said that there is more eye contact between people who are friendly toward each other than those who are hostile toward each other.

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      世界人民相互支持,对抗新冠肺炎。正确译文为: A: The struggle against COVID-19 of the people of the world support each other. B: The struggle of the people against COVID-19 of the world support each other. C: The people of the world support each other to struggle against COVID-19. D: The people of the world struggle against COVID-19 to support each other.

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      solution. 5. Julie ________ that she and her freshman year roommate hadn't communicated with each other throughout the year since they were uncomfortable with each other.