• 2022-06-01
    [音频]The meeting will be held in a meeting room on the second floor at 3:00 this afternoon.
  • 正确


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      What will Mr. William do on the afternoon of July 4th?[音频] A: Have a meeting with Mr. Parker. B: Have an appointment with Mr. Parker. C: Have a meeting with Mr. Young. D: Have an appointment with Mr. Young.

    • 1

      Where is the Association meeting held A: In Room 110. B: In the meeting room. C: In the auditorium. D: In the staff room.

    • 2

      If you have the option of selecting the meeting room, try to find a (   )room away from excess noise and distractions while still placing the meeting room convenient to bathrooms on the same floor of the building.

    • 3

      There will be a meeting ___ 3 p.m. ___the library this afternoon.

    • 4

      [音频]Where can you find the meeting rooms in the building?On____________.