• 2022-06-01
    The primary circulatory medium in echinoids is( ).
    A: blood
    B: hemal fluid
    C: plasma
    D: coelomic fluid
    E: pyloric cecae
  • D


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      What can increase the force on the walls of blood vessels A: Fluid properties B: Extra fluid C: Vasoconstriction D: All of the above

    • 1

      When the system vibrates in a fluid medium, the damping is ( )a)Viscous b) Columb c)Solid d)Fluid A: None B: None C: None D: None

    • 2

      Which of the following fluids are Newtonian fluid ( ) A: air B: water C: plasma D: gasoline E: mud

    • 3

      The main difference in composition between the tissue fluid and the<br/>plasma is that the contents of the tissue fluid () A: No blood cells B: Low protein content<br/>From<br/>a + content is high C: K<br/>+ content is high<br/>High<br/>content of e.c. with our fabrication: l -

    • 4

      What kind of fluid glycerin belongs to A: Swelling fluid B: Thixotropic fluid C: Newtonian fluid D: Pseudoplastic fluid