• 2022-06-01
    The writer prefers ______.
    A: swimming to making money
    B: making money to swimming
    C: riding a bike to swimming
  • A


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      Race directors often add surprises such as mountain climbing, white water swimming, or horseback riding to the challenge.

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      Race direactors often add surprises such as mountain climbing, white water swimming, or horseback riding to the challenge.

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      PassageRace directors often add surprises such as mountain climbing, white water swimming, or horseback riding to the challenge.

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      The main idea of the passage is_______. A: the two most popular aerobic exercises are jogging and swimming B: jogging is better than swimming C: swimming is more popular than jogging D: swimming is recommended over jogging

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      What has happened to them A: Swimming is very easy for him. B: He likes swimming very much. C: He doesn’t like swimming at all.