• 2022-06-01
    According to the nature of reading and writing, there are three types of CD: random type, primary type and rewriting type.
  • 错误


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      Like any type of writing, your reading journal needs to be convincing.

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      The methods of marketing will naturally vary according to their size and also according to the type of goods and the nature of the market.

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      Forl=1,mcanhavevaluesof[input=type:blank,size:1][/input],[input=type:blank,size:1][/input],[input=type:blank,size:1][/input]and there are three orbitals of the [input=type:blank,size:1][/input]type.

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      传感器按照基本效应分为物理型、生化型、结构型。According to the basic effect, sensors can be divided into physical type, biochemical type and structural type.

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      There are four blood types; Type A, Type B, Type AB and Type O.