• 2022-06-01
    ( ) is an emergency equipment.
    A: Cabine ventilator
    B: Anchor
    C: Lighting equipment of cabine
    D: Fresh water pump
  • C


    • 0

      ____________________ is relevant in a decision to replace equipment. A: a. Cost of old equipment B: b. Book value of old equipment C: c. Depreciation accrued on old equipment D: d. Future maintenance costs of old equipment

    • 1

      The beauty and health of artificial lighting equipment are more important than its lighting capabilities.

    • 2

      Among the environmental emergency capacity building standards of the Environmental Protection Department of China, which of the following item is not included in the hardware equipments? A: Environmental emergency command system B: Office equipment C: Emergency protective equipment D: Labor

    • 3

      Which of the following equipment is not a traditional anti pollution equipment?_____ A: Ballast water treatment unit B: Exhaust gas boiler C: Oily water separator D: Incinerator

    • 4

      Depreciationon new equipment is relevant in deciding whether to keep or replace equipment.