• 2022-06-01
    Which of the Following is best describes clinical presentation of sign diabetes ketoacidosis (DKA)
    A: oliguria, ketonuria, abdominal pain
    B: Ketonuria, polydipsia, abdominal pain, Kussmaul breathing
    C: Ketonuria, abdominal pain, Kussmaul breathing with Fruity odour and Hyperglycemia
    D: Abdominal pain and high blood sugar.
  • C


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      The main symptoms of pinworms are () A: Skin itching, rash, especially at night B: Anus, perineum ulcer, severe pain C: Anus, perineum strange itching, especially at night D: Vaginitis, lower abdominal pain

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      The main symptoms of acute ectopic pregnancy is ( ). A: the physical reaction in early pregnancy B: sudden abdominal pain C: irregular vaginal bleeding D: fainting

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      If the lump and pain is stable at one location and doesn't move when being pushed,this is: A: lumps B: abdominal mass C: dyspepsia D: distension

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      A 59-year-old woman developed severe abdominal pain with hypotension. Abdominal CT was taken urgently. What is the most possible diagnosis: () A: Ruptured aortic aneurysm with retroperitoneal hematoma B: Renal tumor with retroperitoneal inflammation C: Intestinal tumor with peritonitis D: Lymphoma

    • 4

      Which of the following is not a feature of inflammatory acute abdomen? A: Persistent abdominal pain B: Lesions have a fixed tenderness C: Peritoneal irritation is localized to the lesion D: Peritonitis range does not increase<br/>with the expansion of the lesion