• 2022-06-01
    That was a ______ adventure story.
  • compelling


    • 0

      Q: Did Sheila still feel angry after she listened to the couple’s story? A: _____. She was moved to tears by their story.

    • 1

      The Odyssey is an ( ) story that follows the Greek hero Odysseus, after the Trojan War, on his long and difficult sea voyage home. A: scientific B: adventure C: love D: romantic

    • 2

      When did the woman go to the Summer Palace A: She has heard the story before. B: She agrees with the man. C: She doesn’t like the story.

    • 3

      The adventures of Gulliver include_____.( ) A: the adventure in Houyhnhnm B: the adventure in Laputa C: the adventure in Brobdingnag D: the adventure in Lilliput

    • 4

      ​Translate types of films into Chinese‎​action film ___________‎​adventure film __________‎​animated film __________‎​cartoons __________‎​comedy ___________‎​documentary film ___________‎​drama _____________‎​horror film ____________‎​romance/ love story ___________‎​science fiction film ___________‎​‎