A: Note9支持Windows系统Office软件
B: 支持通过电视给Note9充电
C: Note9支持Windows10操作系统
D: Note9屏幕作为触控板操作
A: Note9支持Windows系统Office软件
B: 支持通过电视给Note9充电
C: Note9支持Windows10操作系统
D: Note9屏幕作为触控板操作
- Note9与苹果X相比,选项中描述正确的是?() A: Note9支持SPEN,苹果X不支持iPencil B: Note9电池4000mAh,苹果X只有2716mAh C: Note9最大支持512G内存扩展,苹果X不支持 D: Note9支持Bixby人工智能和物联网,苹果X不具备此类功能
- The maker of a note records interest expense. The creditor of a note holds a note receivable.
- In the blues, what is a blue note? A: .The note that the song ends on. B: .A note that sounds particularly sad. C: .A note that sounds particularly happy. D: .The notes that are played on the guitar.
- Note9最大支持多大容量扩展卡?() A: 128G B: 256G C: 512G D: 1T
- The drawer of a promissory note is the principal debtor of the note, even if it is atime note, it is not necessary to go through the acceptance formalities.