• 2022-05-31
    四. 段落翻译All around the world, large cities have the same problem:air pollution.Mexico City has very bad air.The air there is dirty and very unhealthy.Cars are one reason for the dirty air.Many Mexicans own their own cars and drive in the city.The factories in the area also cause air pollution.It is not easy to clean up the air in large cities.The government has to make new laws.
  • 世界各地的大城市都面临着同一个问题:空气污染。墨西哥城的空气就很糟糕。那里的空气很脏,极不利于健康。导致空气不洁的一个原因就是汽车。很多墨西哥人都有自己的汽车,作为在城中的代步工具。另外该地区的工厂也造成了空气污染。清洁大城市的空气并非易事。政府要制定一些新的法律才行。


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      ______ automobile pollution, the air quality in most major cities has been lowered. A: As a result of B: In spite of C: But for D: As for

    • 1

      Air pollution __________ , this city is still a good place to live in.

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      Do you know what smog is? Smog is dirty air that looks like (1) _____ and smoke. It is a type of air pollution.In big cities, smoke from cars and (2)_____goes up into the sky and meets the moisture in the air. When the air cools down at dawn, a huge amount of the dirty (3) ___ in the sky comes near the ground. It forms smog. It is a (4) ___ for people all over the country. It is bad for our health and as a result, more and more people have (5) ___ diseases. People need to wear masks to protect themselves in smoggy days.

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      to dirty air can cause people to suffer from

    • 4

      Too much to dirty air can cause people to