• 2022-05-31
    Our next discussion will focus _______how to improve the city’s air quality.
  • 正确答案: (1) on


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      Our next board meeting will focus ____ the benefits for the employees.

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      Daniel Kahneman suggested that you can't generally increase the quality of your thinking, but you can pick a few areas where you're prone to make a mistake and focus on those. Geoff Norman was equally skeptical of our ability to increase our general problem-solving skills, which he suggested, is good for about a 10-percent improvement. What was Geoff's recommendation for how people can improve their everyday thinking?

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      In order to improve the quality of life, using our language in the best way is required.

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      【单选题】What are the two dimensions that help in defining the quality of a product of quality? A. Product quality and process quality. B. Market-perceived quality and performance quality. C. Product quality and service quality. D. Actual quality and assumed quality E. Absolute quality and relative quality

    • 4

      ______ automobile pollution, the air quality in this city has become worse. A: As a result of B: In spite of C: But for D: As for