• 2022-05-31
    A: box->width=3;
    B: coutC: box->set(1,2);
    D: p.set(1,2);
  • C



    • 0

      ​在以下代码片段中,属于绝对定位的是()。‏ A: box {width:100px;height:50px;} B: box {width:100px;height:50px;position:absolute;} C: box {width:100px;height:50px;position:static;} D: box (width:100px;height:50px;position:relative;}

    • 1

      在CSS样式表中给P标记定义边框样式可以使用的代码为: A: .box{width:250px;height:50px;border:1px red;background:pink;padding:30px;margin:20px;} B: .box{width:250px;height:50px;border:5pxdashedred;background:pink;padding:10px;margin:10px;} C: .box{width:250px;height:50px;border:15pxnonered;background:blue;padding:30px;margin:20px;} D: .box{width:250px;height:50px;border-color:red;background:yellow;padding:30px;margin:20px;}

    • 2


    • 3

      1. Charges of 3.00 nC, –2.00 nC, –7.00 nC, and 1.00 nC are contained inside a rectangular box with length 1.00 m, width 2.00 m, and height 2.50 m. Outside the box are charges of 1.00 nC and 4.00 nC. What is the electric flux through the surface of the box?

    • 4

      运用CSS3中的border-radius属性可以将矩形边框圆角化,如果想将.box对象定义成正圆形,请填空。.box{ width: 1 ; height:500px; border:6px solid red; border-radius: 2 ; }