• 2022-06-01
    - How about____ Christmas evening party?- Ishould say it was____ success.
    A: a;a
    B: the;a
    C: a; /
    D: the; /
  • B


    • 0

      What is Article 13 about? What does it say?  Article 13 is about____ . The article says, “If you_____ , you must______.”

    • 1

      10. This passage mainly talks about ________. A: the definition of success B: how to achieve success C: how to set goals D: the importance of goals

    • 2

      What can you say to congratulate others on their success? _________ A: Congratulations! B: Congratulate you on your success. C: Congratulations on your success. D: Please accept my sincere congratulations on you.

    • 3

      -How was your party last night?-It ________ to be a great success. A: turned on B: turned in C: turned off D: turned out

    • 4

      Christmas Eve is the the evening before Christmas Day