The Great Wave Pavilion, the Lion Grove Garden, the Humble Administrator's Garden, and the Lingering Garden are regarded as the“four great gardens in ______".
A: Suzhou
B: Nanjing
C: Beijing
D: Chengde
A: Suzhou
B: Nanjing
C: Beijing
D: Chengde
- Which one has the biggest area of Chinese traditional gardens in Suzhou gardens? A: Pavilion of Surging Waves B: Lion Grove C: The Humble Administrator's Garden D: Lingering Garden
- Which one of the following gardens is not a private garden? A: Zhuozheng Garden B: Liuyuan Garden C: Summer Palace D: Lion Grove Garden
- The Humble Administrator’s Garden was divided into 3 parts: the northern Garden, the.Central Garden and the southern Garden.
- 纽约大都会博物馆设计了被称为“明轩”的中国园林是仿( )所建。What is the designed Chinese garden called "Ming Pavilion" of the Metropolitan Museum of New York imitated by? A: 拙政园The Humble Administrator's Garden B: 留园The Lingering Garden C: 网师园殿春簃The "Peony Study" in the Master-of-Net's Garden D: 瞻园The Zhan Yuan Garden
- Which is called the "mother of Chinese gardens"? A: The Lingering Garden. B: The Humble Administrator’s Garden. C: Lion Grove Garden. D: Surging Waves Pavilion.