• 2022-05-31
    Regular repetition and parallelism are examples showing how to achieve certain stylistic effect by taking the ( ) method.
  • quantitative deviation or deflection


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      中国大学MOOC: Parallelism, antithesis, repetition and alliteration are the four basic stylistic devices which help to create imagery to the audience.

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      Parallelism is regularly used to______________. A: list facts, ideas and events etc. in order to achieve certain rhetorical effect B: compare one thing with another C: summarize D: introduce the main idea at the beginning

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      Parallelism is adopted to achieve the effect of being . A: clea B: forceful C: hythmical D: effective E: emotional

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      Which of the following are examples of non-verbal cues? A: Facial expressions. B: Hand movements. C: Rising or Falling tones. D: Repetition of certain words.

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      The recognized methods for consolidating the financial reports of an MNC are( )。 A: short/long term method, current/future method, flexible/inflexible method, and economic/noneconomic method. B: current/noncurrent method, monetary/nonmonetary method, short/long term method, and current/future method. C: current/noncurrent method, monetary/nonmonetary method, temporal method, and current rate method. D: temporal method, current rate method, flexible/inflexible method, and economic/noneconomic method.