中国大学MOOC: "有生命就有希望。" This sentence can be translated into "There is life, there is hope."
- "有生命就有希望。" This sentence can be translated into "There is life, there is hope."
- 7. "有生命就有希望。" This sentence can be translated into "There is life, there is hope." () 这个说法是对的还是错的
- 中国大学MOOC: "Some of my classmates are very good singers." The word "singer" in this sentence can be translated into "歌手”.
- 中国大学MOOC: "The skyscrapers are also lavish consumers and wasters of electric power." In this sentence, the words "consumer" and "waster" can be translated into "消费者” and “浪费者”.
- 中国大学MOOC: "在工作中,我们必须避免犯不必要的错误。" This sentence can be translated into "We must avoidmakingunnecessarymistakesin our work."