• 2021-04-14
    He is a nice guy and very considerate.”中“considerate”的意思是
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    • 0

      It was very __________ of you to send me a birthday card yesterday. A: considerate B: considerable

    • 1

      Although he is a considerate person, it took him ________ time to realize that his words had hurt the girl. A: considerable B: consideration C: considerate D: considering

    • 2

      It was very ________of him to wait for us.( ) A: considered B: considerate C: considerable D: considering

    • 3

      It is very ______ of you to pick me up at the airport. A: considerate B: considerable C: consideration D: consider

    • 4

      Her remarks were considerate and very _______________ to the situation. A: appropriate B: common C: spread D: aise