• 2022-06-01
    A: losing
    B: missing
    C: lost
    D: missed
  • B


    • 0

      Hurry up,or we may ___________ the early bus. A: miss B: missing C: lost D: losing

    • 1

      Getting off the bus, __________. A: his purse was lost B: he found his purse lost C: he found his purse losing D: his purse was missing

    • 2

      I can’t believe we’re so sad over a stray cat. A: missed B: wondering C: lost D: losing

    • 3

      The ______________ boy was last seen _____________ near the lake. A: missing; playing B: missing; play C: missed; played D: missed; to play

    • 4

      Returning to my apartment ______. A: my watch was missing B: I found my watch missed C: I found my watch missing D: the watch was missed