• 2022-06-01
    A: milk
    B: water
    C: coke
    D: orange juice
  • C


    • 0

      智慧职教: Dayanne:  In my refrigerator, I have a bottle of orange juice, a bottle of milk, some ________and some apples.

    • 1

      Ann:WhereareyoufromChinaDeshi?Deshi:I’mfromShanghai.Q:WhereisDeshifrom? A: Beijing. B: HongKong. C: Shanghai. D: Chicago

    • 2

      Kevin: I normally buy fruits, vegetables, some deli meats like turkey and ham, orange juice, milk, bread, and maybe a few magazines and some _____________.

    • 3

      Paul would like to have ____ A: orange juice B: the same that John has C: water D: tea

    • 4

      智慧职教: Deshi a beer. Please get it for her. 067d70da9f8cd07285a01fe3a85453b5