• 2022-06-01
    What has happened
    A: Larry’s mother.
    B: Joey’s mother.
    C: Larry.
    D: Joey’s teacher.
  • B


    • 0

      Which of the following can be used to answer “Who called this morning”? ( ) A: My mother friend. B: My mother’s friend’s. C: A friend of my mother’s. D: A friend of my mother.

    • 1

      "Peter, you’ve eaten all the ice-cream said his mother. accused Peter’s mother ____________________ all the ice-cream.

    • 2

      One has to be 18 years old to get a driver’s license. Today is Larry’s 18th birthday. Therefore, Larry can now buy a car.

    • 3

      【单选题】What do we learn about Joey’s first round of audition? A. Joey messed up the audition. B. Joey got the role successfully. C. Joey would only compete with the allergy actor. D. Joey was one of the three candidates for the role.

    • 4

      Miss Black is a friend of _______. A: Mary’s mother’s B: Mary’s mother C: mother’s of Mary D: Mary Mother’s